A team of Experts.....

In Energy

For her Future.....

Our Projects

Examples of Services provided by Sequoia Managing Directors:
Infrastructure Financing

  • Eighteen Months mandate for Advising Electricité des Grands Lacs (EGL) on the successful PPP financing of the Ruzizi III US$ 450 million, 145 MW hydro plant, first Regional Energy PPP in Africa. Strategic Investor selected.
  • Six months mandate for Advising IFC on the structuring of a 300 MW gas fired plant under PPP in Mauritania. Shareholding agreement under negotiation.
  • Six months mandate with the World Bank for developing the hydro PPP program in Guinea in cooperation with local extractive industries. Three deals under negotiation.
  • Support to the World Bank and to the Government of DRC for financial structuring of the rehabilitation of Inga I and II; strategic advisory services to the Minister of Energy of DRC on dialogue with IFIs on Inga financing. Financing of Rehabilitations finalized. Strategy for Grand Inga catalyzed World Bank support.

Sector Strategy

  • Eighteen months mandate for the preparation of Energy, ICT and TBW Programmes for Infrastructure Development for Africa (PIDA) for African Union Commission. PIDA was adopted in January 2012 by the African Heads of State.
  • Three months mandate to support the Government of Guinea for the preparation of an energy sector Strategy and sector reform Action Plan in 2011. Led to the successful drafting and adoption by the Council of Ministers of a Sector Policy Letter.
  • Twelve months mandate to support the Government of Jamaica for the preparation of an Energy Sector Strategy in 2008. The document was endorsed by the Council of Minister.
  • Six months mandate for supporting the Government of Bangladesh for the preparation of a White Paper on Decentralized Electrification. Adopted in 2009.

Economic Analysis and Sector Reviews

  • Diagnostic and review of prospects of the energy sector in Chad, CAR, leading to the financing of energy sector priority investments by the World Bank in 2011.
  • Economic analysis of transmission system extension in Djibouti leading to transmission and distribution system financing by the World Bank in 2009.
  • Energy Sector Policy Review in Morocco leading to a US$ 200 million financing of a Development Policy Loan by the World Bank in 2008-09 and a Budget Support by the EU in 2011-12

Clean Energy

  • Two-month assignment for the preparation of a Renewable Energy and Efficiency Development Plan for Zanzibar in 2011 approved by the Government and supported by the EU.
  • Eight-month assignment for the drafting of Renewable Energy and Efficiency legislation and Institutions in Morocco, adopted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy in 2008 .
  • Six-month assignment for the structuring of legislation and institutions for the development of Renewable Energy and Efficiency in Jamaica in 2009, adopted by the Government and financed by the World Bank.
  • Nine-month assignment for the preparation of mini-hydro PPP development plan in Lao leading to financing by IFIs in 2007.

Selected References of SEQUOIA Emerging Markets Finance Managing Director


  • Preparation of an african continental development program under pida
  • Selection of priority regional energy projects
  • Financial structuring of priority strategic regional energy projects
  • Institutional structure for the development of regional energy institutions and for reinforcement of capacities
  • Development of an interactive data base of existing and planned energy infrastructure for all Africa
  • Preparation of an african continental development program under pida
  • Selection of priority regional energy projects
  • Financial structuring of priority strategic regional energy projects
  • Institutional structure for the development of regional energy institutions and for reinforcement of capacities
  • Development of an interactive data base of existing and planned energy infrastructure for all africa
  • Preparation of a development program for the identification of priority transmission projects
  • Initial development of the regional regulatory authority
  • Development and structuring of a usd 500 million regional project financing facility
  • Advisory services for the institutional and financial structuring of gouina regional hydro project as ppp with ifc
  • Financial structuring of the regional ruzizi iii hydro project as ppp
  • Institutional structure for the management of lake kivu water basin
  • Financial restructuring of sinelac (ruzizi ii)
  • Assessment of renewable energy potential of zanzibar.
  • Mediterranean basin strategy for regional water management
  • Preparation of an african continental development program under pida
  • Selection of priority regional energy projects
  • Financial structuring of priority strategic regional energy projects
  • Institutional structure for the development of regional energy institutions and for reinforcement of capacities
  • Development of interactive data base of existing and planned energy infrastructure for all africa
  • Preparation of ppiaf project for regional integration of energy systems in africa
  • Preparation of ppiaf project in support of the development of hydro ipps in guinea
  • Preparation of ppiaf project in support of the development of a landfill gas based private power plant in comoros
  • Supervision of preparation of long term development plan and identification of priority investment in generation and transmission
  • Structuring of financing facility for regional energy projects
  • Training of sapp staff in project finance and ppp structuring


  • Economic and financial due diligence for energy projects in drc, guinea, comoros, mauritania, lebanon, morocco, syria, egypt,
  • Financial advisory services for ipp structuring for ifc in guinea, mauritania, drc, madagascar
  • Support for the preparation of large energy projects with private financing: nam theung ii, bujagali, west africa gas pipeline
  • Support for the development of kribi gas fired ipp
  • Strategic advisory services for the development and financing of lom pangar hydro plant and memvé’élé hydro plant as an ipp
  • Support for the preparation of a long term investment plan for the power sector
  • Support for the renegotiation of the concession agreement between the government and aes sonel
  • Preparation of a capacity building program for the sector regulator, arsel
  • Support for the preparation of a national strategy for rural electrificationTION OF A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION
  • Diagnostic of the energy sector
  • Support for the preparation of a power and petroleum products strategy
  • Support for the preparation and implementation of a commercial action plan for the power company
  • Preparation of management contract and performance contract for snel
  • Support for financial and economic analysis of inga 1 and 2 rehabilitation (pmede)
  • Support for economic and financial analysis for the rehabilitation of the transmission line inga-zambia (sapmp)
  • Support for the preparation of a strategy for decentralized electrification
  • Advisory services to ifc for the structuring of financing of inga 3
  • Power sector diagnostic study
  • Preparation of an action plan for the recovery of the power company edg
  • Support for the preparation of a power sector strategy
  • Advisory services to the government for the development of hydro ipps
  • Design of a rural electrification agency and fund
  • Support to the rural electrification authority (berd) for the development of mini-grids under ppp
  • Technical assistance program for rural electrification
  • Preparation of biomass conservation strategy
  • Preparation of the haiti’s energy sector rebuilding program including coordination with the main donors (usaid and the interamerican development bank -idb).
  • Preparation of an energy sector  public expenditure review
  • Advisory services for the negotiation of the revision of the concession contract of the private power sector operator
  • Preparatory study for the government strategy for renewable energy and energy efficiency development
  • Support for the establishment of local institutions for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Economic and financial analysis of renewable enrgy institutions
  • Advisory services for structuring the equity of a gas fired power plant
  • Review of a diagnostic study and reform program for the power utility somelec
  • Energy sector reviews including assessment of the main sector issues and development of energy sector
  • Energy sector reviews including assessment of the main sector issues and development of energy sector
  • Assessment of capacity building needs of energy sector institutions
  • Development of capacity building plan for energy sector institutions
  • Preparation of implementation plan for capacity building
  • Advisory services for the establishment of ppp development department
  • Assessment of capacity
  • Preparation of capacity building program
  • Advisory services for institutional development strategy of reco and rwasco
  • Support for rural electrification program scaling-up
  • Energy sector reviews including assessment of the main sector issues and development of energy sector
  • Assessment of potential for renewable energy development
  • Pre-feasibility study for wind, geothermal solar and lanfdfill based power generation